Cheam Common Junior Academy

Cheam Common Junior Academy is part of the LEO Academy Trust and is located in the London Borough of Sutton. Established in 2015 and serving 3500 pupils across six schools, the Trust is consistently striving to empower staff through a self-improving network of great learning communities, in order to ensure the highest outcomes for both pupils and staff.

How did CCJ use the Picoh?

  • Cross-curricular approach - developed English, maths and computing lessons using the Near Space Launch as a stimulus

  • To develop the pupils’ coding skills; working collaboratively to code two Picohs to have a “conversation”.

  • To code the Picoh to show the emotions and thoughts that may occur when travelling to near space

  • The Near Space Launch materials were used to teach maths using the data gathered from the launch.

Quotes regarding the pilot from Cheam Common Junior Academy:

“A tangible, physical object that children could use to develop their ideas within the classroom. Using the Picoh robot in a variety of ways, children were able to task it to complete a variety of activities both educational, interactive but also quite fun and humorous. This made it very purposeful for when they were transferring it into their writing.”

“As someone who isn’t very technical to begin with, Picohs are very easy to pick up, plug in and use. The software that is available is easy to manipulate and teach within the classroom...I would suggest you create an immersive experience, drawing in all areas of the curriculum.”

Introduction to the Picoh pilot and cross curricular links

Christopher Perrott (Vice Principal at Cheam Common Junior & Director of English at LEO Academy Trust) explains how LEO Academy used the Picohs in a cross curricular approach.

He is shown teaching pupils to write an information text about the Picoh to persuade people to use the Picoh.

How did the Near Space Launch (NSL) inspire your literacy teaching?

Christopher Perrott (Vice Principal at Cheam Common Junior & Director of English at LEO Academy Trust) explains how unique the NSL materials are.

He is shown summarising the "Complete Adventure" content with the pupils prior to them creating narratives, fictional events and non-fiction texts.

What impact has there been on children's achievements?

Christopher Perrott (Vice Principal at Cheam Common Junior & Director of English at LEO Academy Trust) discusses how they have incorporated the Picohs into an English unit of work and the impact this has had on the quality of writing.

Why is the Picoh a good stimulus for cross curricular learning?

Christopher Perrott (Vice Principal at Cheam Common Junior & Director of English at LEO Academy Trust) explains how simple the Picoh is to use, even for those not technologically minded.

How have you developed maths resources linked to the Near Space Launch?

Emma Potter (Vice Principal at Cheam Park Farm Primary & Director of Maths at LEO Academy Trust) explains how they look for ways to make maths real. Maths is everywhere and the skills can be used in the real world.

The NSL materials with the Ohbot helped us to look at the influence the maths has on the Ohbot's story. Using the maths skills in a real-life context makes a difference to children.

How did you link the Picoh robot with Near Space Launch material?

Cheryl Shirley (Lead Teacher for Technology for Learning at LEO Academy Trust) describes how they linked the story from NSL and programming Picoh to show the emotions Picoh would experience if it was launched to near space too.

How have you been using the Picoh robot?

Cheryl Shirley (Lead Teacher for Technology for Learning at LEO Academy Trust) explains that Picoh has enhanced the children's engagement with Scratch. In addition, she talks about how she was surprised by the direction the children took the project to and how this led the teachers to adapt their planning.

What Impact as Picoh had on the achievement of children?

Cheryl Shirley (Lead Teacher for Technology for Learning at LEO Academy Trust) believes having a physical device enhances the pupils understanding of programming in Scratch.

Has the Picoh project accelerated the pace of learning?

Christopher Perrott (Vice Principal at Cheam Common Junior & Director of English at LEO Academy Trust) is shown using the Picoh in an English lesson. He explains how the children led their learning and allowed for greater engagement and variety in outcomes.

Graham Macaulay (Director of Technology for Learning) describes how LEO remove the ceilings to children's achievements by allowing children to select the right tool for their level of need.